District 1199C Hospital & Health Care Employees, Philadelphia & VicinityBenefit & Pension Funds of Hospital & Health Care Employees, Philadelphia & Vicinity

Health Alert: Philadelphia Department of Public Health

The Philadelphia Department of Public Health, Division of Disease Control: COVID-19 Status Update and Guidance for Healthcare Personnel Isolation and Quarantine to Minimize Staff Shortages March 26, 2020

Safety Precaution Posters for Staff & Visitors

Fourteen high resolution safety precaution posters to present to visitors and staff in the presence of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient facility.

COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment: Donning

A comprehensive step by step recommended procedure with illustrations for donning Personal Protective Equipment when operating in the presence of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient facility.

COVID-19 Personal Protective Equipment: Doffing

A comprehensive step-by-step recommended procedure with illustrations for doffing (removing) Personal Protective Equipment when operating in the presence of a suspected or confirmed COVID-19 patient facility.

Interim Guidance for Implementing Safety Practices for COVID-19

To ensure continuity of operations of essential functions, CDC advises that critical infrastructure workers may be permitted to continue work following potential exposure to COVID-19, provided they remain asymptomatic and additional precautions are implemented to protect them and the community.

Virtual Town Hall Tuesday April 14, 2020 – 6pm to 7pm

Join us for a Virtual Town Hall COVID-19 member experiences and questions. The town hall will be moderated by Chris Woods and  feature State Representatives & Councilmember Helen Gym who will be on hand to answer questions.

Facebook Live:

To submit questions or comments during the session
use ZOOM:


Free Food To Help Philadelphia Community

Jose Espinoza from EL SOL LATINO has published a list of Community sites that are providing free food in Philadelphia to provide relief for people who are struggling financially from the economic impact of the Coronavirus pandemic. These sites have been set up in addition to the schools free meals program.

CDC Guideline for PPE Gear When Caring for Confirmed or Suspect COVID-19

Use Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) when caring for patients with confirmed or suspected COVID-19. Guide to donning (putting on the gear) & doffing (taking off the gear) PPE.

5% OFF at ALL Brown’s ShopRite and Fresh Grocer Locations

All District 1199C members will receive a 5% discount on your order Every Thursday at participating ShopRite and The Fresh Grocer locations operated by our good friends, the Brown Family. Please see below for details and a list of locations.

Emergency Child Care Services in New Jersey

Please refer to the following table for a list of Emergency Child Care Centers in New Jersey.

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